Our Mission
Driving Changes With
Investment Clarity
BlueOnion is incubated by the profit-for-purpose organization WealthAsia Group, and is now independent as the BlueOnion Group of companies with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Taiwan and London. We are a team of sustainability enthusiasts who aim to drive best practices within the financial ecosystem and expose green, blue, and all-color washing behavior.
We connect the buy and the sell-side of investment products and provide a platform especially catered for investors and gatekeepers who value sustainability as a critical investment criterion. BlueOnion is a platform for ethical managers who walk their talks, a chance to demonstrate transparency for investment returns, risk management, stock selection principles, stewardship policies, and impact initiatives.
Our purpose is also to provide a scalable portal that streamlines due diligence and onboarding workflows for both sides of the chain to reward the most sustainable managers and strategies.
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Elsa Pau of BlueOnion discusses how asset managers can untangle the mess
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盡職治理及負責任投資. 拍攝日期2022年 BlueOnion行政總裁 Elsa Pau, 周尚頤博士 Christine Chow, PhD 及戴潔瑩博士 Agnes K
Stewardship & Responsible Investing with Dr. Christine Chow & Dr. Agnes K
BlueOnion’s Chief EC.ESG Investment Strategist Dr. Agnes K Y Tai was invited
BlueOnion’s Chief Sustainability Officer Dr. Jeanne Ng discusses challenges in adapting to
BlueOnion's Chief Sustainability Officer Dr. Jeanne Ng was recently featured in a
Founder and CEO Elsa Pau joined industry experts in discussion of key